Sunday, February 15, 2009

Massachusetts Paid Sick Days News: Workers Deliver Valentine Cookies to Legislators

Last Friday, workers rallied at the state capitol in Massachusetts in their fight for paid sick days.

Valentine cookies were later delivered to state legislators with messages to support paid sick days.

The OpenMediaBoston's coverage of the event included pictures of the valentine cookies along with great quotes from the rally speakers.

Labor leaders and union members repeatedly stressed how essential paid sick leave is. Mike Fadel, Executive Vice President 1199 SEIU retold a story from a member of his union, who said, "I can barely afford to be well. I certainly can't afford to be sick." Bob Haynes, President of Massachusetts AFL-CIO said it was up to Massachusetts citizens and lawmakers to lay the foundation of paid sick leave for employees. "We are earning these sick days as working people. We're not giving anything away to anybody. We've earned them by going to work."

To read more, click here.

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